1. Financial accounts - bulletin tables, non-consolidated annual data

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    1. Date: 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, ..., 2023 (23)
    2. SECTOR: S.1: Slovenian economy, S.11: Non-financial corporations, S.121+S.122+S.123: Monetary financial institutions, S.124+S.125+S.126+S.127: Other financial intermediaries+Financial auxiliaries, ..., S.2: Rest of the world (8)
    3. STOCK_FLOW: ST, TR, VS, (3)
    4. ASSETS_LIAB: FAS, NET, LIA, (3)
    5. FIN_INSTRUM: 1: Monetary gold and SDRs, 2: Currency and deposits, 3: Debt securities, 4: Loans, ..., L: Liabilities (15)
    6. Items: Million EUR, (1)

  2. Financial accounts - aggregated tables, annual data

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    1. Date: 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, ..., 2023 (23)
    2. NONC_CONS: Cons, NonCons, (2)
    3. STOCK_FLOW: ST, TR, VS, (3)
    4. ASSETS_LIAB: FAS, NET, LIA, (3)
    5. FIN_INSTRUM: 1: Monetary gold and SDRs, 2: Currency and deposits, 21: Currency, 22: Transferable deposits, ..., B10: Changes in net worth (30)
    6. Items: S.1: Slovenian economy, S.11: Non-financial corporations, S.12: Financial corporations, S.121: Central Bank, ..., S.22: Others (not EU) (21)

  3. Financial accounts - detailed tables by counterpart sectors, non-consolidated annual data

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    1. Date: 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, ..., 2023 (23)
    2. SECTOR: S.1: Slovenian economy, S.11: Non-financial corporations, S.12: Financial corporations, S.121: Central Bank, ..., S.22: Others (not EU) (21)
    3. STOCK_FLOW: ST, TR, VS, (3)
    4. ASSETS_LIAB: FAS, NET, LIA, (3)
    5. FIN_INSTRUM: 1: Monetary gold and SDRs, 2: Currency and deposits, 21: Currency, 22: Transferable deposits, ..., B10: Changes in net worth (30)
    6. Items: S.0: Slovenian economy and Rest of the world, S.1: Slovenian economy, S.11: Non-financial corporations, S.12: Financial corporations, ..., S.2: Rest of the world (14)

  4. Financial accounts - bulletin tables, non-consolidated quarterly data

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    1. Date: 2004Q1, 2004Q2, 2004Q3, 2004Q4, ..., 2024Q3 (83)
    2. SECTOR: S.1: Slovenian economy, S.11: Non-financial corporations, S.121+S.122+S.123: Monetary financial institutions, S.124+S.125+S.126+S.127: Other financial intermediaries+Financial auxiliaries, ..., S.2: Rest of the world (8)
    3. STOCK_FLOW: ST, TR, VS, (3)
    4. ASSETS_LIAB: FAS, NET, LIA, (3)
    5. FIN_INSTRUM: 1: Monetary gold and SDRs, 2: Currency and deposits, 3: Debt securities, 4: Loans, ..., L: Liabilities (15)
    6. Items: Million EUR, (1)

  5. Financial accounts - aggregated tables, quarterly data

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    1. Date: 2004Q1, 2004Q2, 2004Q3, 2004Q4, ..., 2024Q3 (83)
    2. NONC_CONS: Cons, NonCons, (2)
    3. STOCK_FLOW: ST, TR, VS, (3)
    4. ASSETS_LIAB: FAS, NET, LIA, (3)
    5. FIN_INSTRUM: 1: Monetary gold and SDRs, 2: Currency and deposits, 21: Currency, 22: Transferable deposits, ..., B10: Changes in net worth (30)
    6. Items: S.1: Slovenian economy, S.11: Non-financial corporations, S.12: Financial corporations, S.121: Central Bank, ..., S.22: Others (not EU) (21)

  6. Financial accounts - tables by counterpart sectors, non-consolidated quarterly data

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    1. Date: 2004Q1, 2004Q2, 2004Q3, 2004Q4, ..., 2024Q3 (83)
    2. SECTOR: S.1: Slovenian economy, S.11: Non-financial corporations, S.12: Financial corporations, S.121: Central Bank, ..., S.22: Others (not EU) (21)
    3. STOCK_FLOW: ST, TR, VS, (3)
    4. ASSETS_LIAB: FAS, NET, LIA, (3)
    5. FIN_INSTRUM: 1: Monetary gold and SDRs, 2: Currency and deposits, 21: Currency, 22: Transferable deposits, ..., B10: Changes in net worth (30)
    6. Items: S.0: Slovenian economy and Rest of the world, S.1: Slovenian economy, S.11: Non-financial corporations, S.12: Financial corporations, ..., S.2: Rest of the world (14)