Other financial indicators of foreign companies, that are ultimately controled by Slovenian companies (by countries) - annually
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* In 2017 reporting threshold for direct investments was set at EUR 2 million balance sheet total, and in 2023 reporting threshold was set at EUR 5 million balance sheet total.
Indicators of foreign firms controlled by Slovenian firms: the indicators are based on the 2012 Foreign Affiliates Statistics (FATS) Recommendations Manual. The data source for the indicators is the SN11 annual report, within the framework of which indicators are reported for firms in the rest of the world in which the reporter holds (direct/indirect) control, i.e. where the reporters interest exceeds 50%. The data relates to the overall performance of the firms in the rest of the world, and not solely to the holding pertaining to the reporter.
The report on other indicators includes the following data: - the number of enterprises, - the number of employees (the average headcount at controlled firms in the rest of the world in the reporting year based on hours worked).