Direct Investment, directional principle, stocks and transactions from 2009 - mio EUR - quarterly - total
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millions of EUR
Alenka Repovž Lah
phone: +386 (1) 4719388
Janez Klemenc
phone: +386 (1) 4719312


Data on direct investments are shown according to the principle of the direction of investment, which means a separate presentation of foreign direct investments in Slovenia and domestic direct investments abroad. The methodological basis of the principle of the investment side is based on the reference definition of direct foreign investment issued by the OECD (BD4).
The criterion for direct investment, which ensures international comparability of data, is at least ten percent participation in capital or voting rights.
Data on direct investment are shown as stocks (as of a given date). Changes in stocks are explained through transactions and other changes (for a certain period). Direct investments are the sum of equity capital and net debt. Data on equity transactions of direct investments are prepared at market values, while data on stocks in equity are valued at book value in accordance with the equity method. The exception is investments in joint-stock companies listed on the stock exchange, for which stocks of equity are also valued at market value. Data on debt instruments are valued at nominal value.
Direct investments include equity and debt instruments between directly and indirectly related persons and between sister companies. Equity also includes data on investments in real estate. Debt instruments consist of assets and liabilities between affiliated and sister companies, which include financial loans, commercial credits, deposits and other assets and liabilities.
Data sign:
- Transactions: both transactions with equity capital and reinvested earnings, as well as transactions with debt instruments, can be positive or negative during the period.
The positive value of equity capital transactions in the period occurs when the sum of equity capital payments and positive reinvested earnings is higher than the sum of equity capital payments (disinvestments), negative reinvested earnings and negative capital.
The positive value of net debt to foreign owners in the period arises when the increase in liabilities from debt instruments is higher than the increase in assets. The opposite is true when calculating the net debt to Slovenian owners. A positive value arises when the increase in assets from debt instruments is higher than the increase in liabilities, and vice versa.
- Stocks: stocks of direct investment can be positive or negative. A negative stock may mean that the net debt owed to the owner is greater than the owner's equity contribution. However, the equity value itself can be negative (in the case of investments that are valued at book value because they are not listed on the stock exchange).