International services trade by enterprise characteristics by type of ownership- mio EUR - annually
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Contact and information


mio EUR
Janez Klemenc
phone: +386 (1) 4719312

Eva Senčar Svetina
phone: +386 (1) 4719313


The STEC data captures services of all types, but given their particular nature, not all can be broken down by corporate size, type of control and type of economic activity. The limitations apply to travel, certain segments of manufacturing services on physical inputs owned by others, financial services, and government services. The basic methodological background of the STEC is the sixth edition of the IMF's Balance of Payments and International Investment Position Manual (IMF, 2009). The subject is also covered by the Manual on Statistics of International Trade in Services 2010, and the Compilers Guide for statistics on Services Trade by Enterprise Charac teristics 2017, which were issued by Eurostat and the OECD.
Services are disclosed according to the following characteristics of entities/enterprises:
1. size in terms of number of employees and self-employed:
a) small (0 to 49)
b) medium-size (50 to 249)
c) large (250 or more)
d) unknown size
2. type of ownership/control:
a) domestic control
b) foreign control
c) unknown control
3. economic sector according to Standard Classification of Economic Activities 2008.