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Balance of Payments by Countries BPM6 - mio EUR - annually
 1. Current account1.1.1 Goods - Export1.1.2 Goods - Import
2021CountriesTotal world (W1)1,95135,25534,373
Europe (E1)2,94232,12430,013
Africa (F1)-77339416
2022CountriesTotal world (W1)-63742,32844,787
Europe (E1)1,87238,61038,071
Africa (F1)-178420549
2023CountriesTotal world (W1)2,85841,42040,990
Europe (E1)4,56337,80035,108
Africa (F1)-98349404


Data become final according to the revision policy.
Detailed description of methodology is available in Monthly Bulletin of the Bank of Slovenia.
The balance of payments is a statistical statement of the economic transactions between the residents in one economy and non-residents in that economy over a specific period of time.
The balance of payments is organised in three main accounts:
- current account (comprising trade in goods, services and primary and secondary income),
- capital account (comprising non-produced non-financial assets, and capital transfers between residents and non-residents),
- financial account (comprising net acquisitions and disposals of financial assets and liabilities).
Table shows breakdown by main geographical partners / areas and accounts of balance of payments with some selected instruments of financial account.


mio EUR
Alenka Repovž Lah
phone: +386 (1) 4719388
e-mail: [email protected]

Janez Klemenc
phone: +386 (1) 4719312
e-mail: [email protected]