Outstanding amounts excluding revolving loans and overdrafts, convenience and extended credit card credit - Interest rates
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Contact and information


% p.a.
Franc Otoničar
tel: (01) 4719407
e-mail: franc.otonicar@bsi.si

Renata Progar
tel: (01) 4719304
e-mail: Renata.Progar-Zupan@bsi.si


Outstanding amounts are defined as the stock of all loans granted by credit institutions to customers. An interest rate on outstanding amounts reflects the weighted average interest rate applied to the stock of loans in the relevant instrument category in the time reference period. Interest rates on outstanding loans cover all loans used and not yet repaid by customers in all the periods up to and including the reporting date, although excluding bad loans and loans for debt restructuring at rates below market conditions. MFI interest rates on outstanding amounts are hence statistics on the interest rates actually applied to all open loans. The interest rate for outstanding amounts is calculated as the weighted average of all interest rates in the relevant instrument category. The interest rates are weighted by the stock of the individual agreement.
Households include individuals, sole proprietorships and non-profit institutions serving households from EMU country. NFC include only corporations from Slovenia.
For detailed methodological notes please find internet release of BoS Monthly Bulletin chapter IV. NOTES ON METHODOLOGY 2.4: Monetary Financial Institutions Interest Rates: https://www.bsi.si/en/publications/statistical-reports/monthly-bulletin.