[Archive] Interbank Money Market Rates and Indexation Clause - old series until 31.12.2006
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Table 2.2.: Interbank Money Market Rates and Indexation Clause
Interbank market
(Methodology in details is shown on page Financial Data: Methodology of statistical time series)
The figures are annual nominal interest rates for unsecured Slovenian tolar deposits on the Slovenian interbank
market. Interest rate for overnight deposits (SIONIA) is weighted average interest rate for overnight deposits.
Interest rate for deposits till 30 days is weighted average interest rate for deposits with maturity till 30 days.
The annual averages of interbank interest rates are computed as simple arithmetic averages of monthly data.
Tolar indexation clause
Tolar indexation clause (TOM) is annual interest rate, calculated by the Statistical Office of Republic of Slovenia
and used for preserving the value of financial liabilities and assets in domestic currency.
TOM (monthly): since 5th August 1995: average of previous 3 months' inflation (until June 1995 indexation was
based on so called R that was equal to the previous months' inflation rate, from 1st June till 4st August 1995
indexation was based on the average of previous 3 months' inflation); since February 1996: 4 months; since
December 1996: 6 months; since May 1997: 12 months.
Financial liabilities and assets in domestic currency, with maturity less than 1 year, are not revalued since July
Foreign exchange indexation clause
Monthly rate is growth rate of Bank of Slovenia's end of month exchange rate for EUR ( DEM ) or USD.
Annual rate is computed from monthly rate on the conform basis, taking into account the actual number of days
in the month and in the year.
Figures for 1993 to 1998 in columns 4, 6 and 8 represent growth of the category in the period December to