Interbank Money Market Rates and Indexation Clause
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% p.a.
Franc Otoničar
phone: +386 (1) 4719407

Vesna Nuždić
phone: +386 (1) 4719310


Interbank market
Until 31 December 2006, the figures are annual nominal interest rates for unsecured Slovenian tolar deposits on the Slovenian interbank market.
The interest rate for overnight deposits (SIONIA) is the weighted average interest rate for overnight deposits. SITIBOR is the rate at which Slovenian interbank term deposits are offered by one prime bank to another prime bank.
SIONIA and SITIBOR were valid from 14 July 2003 to 31 December 2006. Break of series in January 2007.
Eonia? (Euro OverNight Index Average) is the effective overnight reference rate for the euro. It is computed as a weighted average of all overnight unsecured lending transactions undertaken in the interbank market, initiated within the euro area by the contributing banks.
The Euro Interbank Offered Rate ? ?Euribor?? ? is the money market reference rate for the euro. It is sponsored by the European Banking Federation, which represents the interests of 4,500 banks in 24 Member States of the European Union and Iceland, Norway and Switzerland, as well as the Financial Markets Association. EuriborR is the rate at which euro interbank term deposits are being offered within the EMU zone by one prime bank to another
Indexation clauses
The tolar indexation clause (TOM) is an annual interest rate calculated by the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia and used for preserving the value of financial liabilities and assets in domestic currency.
TOM (monthly):
until June 1995, indexation was based on the so-called R, which was equal to the previous month?s inflation rate