MFI - Volumes of New Loans to Households in Domestic Currency
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Contact and information


Millions of SIT/EUR
Franc Otoničar
phone: +386 (1) 4719407

Vesna Nuždić
phone: +386 (1) 4719310


New business is defined as any new agreement between the household and the credit or other institution. The annual percentage rate of charge (APRC) is an effective lending rate that covers the total costs of the credit to the consumer, i.e. the interest payments as well as all other related charges. It covers the total costs of credit to the consumer, as defined in Article 22 and Article 23 of Consumer Credit Act. APRC is compiled only for consumer credit and loans to households for house purchases (sole proprietors excluded). Data January 2003 - April 2005: Estimates on MIR statistics refer to interest rates on new business applied by eight biggest resident banks (selected by balance-sheet-total criterion) to loans denominated in Slovenian tolar vis-a-vis domestic households.Interest rates are calculated as a weighted average of all interest rates on new business in the instrument category.Loans to households for other purposes include only loans to sole proprietors for current and capital assets.Data May 2005 - December 2006 covers business conducted in SIT by total MFI population in Slovenia. The new interest rate statistics replace the Average Bank's Interest Rates that have been published by the Bank of Slovenia. The coverage and definition of the new statistics differ substantially from those of the previously published. Therefore, a direct comparison of the new and old rates is not possible.
* Households = sole proprietorships + individuals + non-profit institutions serving households
**APRC data includes households without sole proprietorships and without non-profit institutions serving households
From 30.06.2010 are also available data for secured loans ( = collateralized/guaranteed loans).
For methodological notes please find internet release of BoS Monthly Bulletin (as of year 2007 on), chapter 2.4 of methodological notes: