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MFI IR of New Deposits in Domestic Currency
 Households, overnight depositsDeposits, households, agreed maturity up to 1 yearDeposits, households, agreed maturity over 1 and up to 2 years


New business is defined as any new agreement between the household or non-financial corporation and the credit or other institution. New agreements comprise all financial contracts, the terms and conditions of which specify for the first time the interest rate on the deposit or loan, and all new negotiations of existing deposits and loans. The prolongation of existing deposit and loan contracts which are carried out automatically, i.e. without any active involvement of the household or non-financial corporation, and which do not involve any renegotiating of the terms and conditions of the contracts, including the interest rate, are not considered as new business.
Data May 2005 - December 2006 covers business conducted in SIT by total MFI population in Slovenia.
Weighting method: The interest rates on new business are weighted by the size of the individual agreement.
The new interest rate statistics replace the Average Bank's Interest Rates that have been published by the Bank of Slovenia. The coverage and definition of the new statistics differ substantially from those of the previously published. Therefore, a direct comparison of the new and old rates is not possible.
* Households = sole proprietorships + individuals + non-profit institutions serving households
For methodological notes please find internet release of BoS Monthly Bulletin (as of year 2007 on), chapter 2.4 of methodological notes:


% p.a.
Franc Otoničar
phone: +386 (1) 4719407
e-mail: [email protected]

Vesna Nuždić
phone: +386 (1) 4719310
e-mail: [email protected]