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Card payments according to card scheme and card function
 A. Card payments - total (value)A1. Card payments - MASTERCARD (value)A11. Card payments - MASTERCARD - debit cards (value)


Data from including 2022 on are in accordance with: Regulation of the European Central Bank amending Regulation (EU) No 1409/2013 on payments statistics (ECB/2013/43) (ECB/2020/59), DECISION of the reporting of payment statistics (108/2021) and Instructions for implementing DECISION of the reporting of payment statistics (152/2021) (
Data include payment cards issued by domestic: payment service providers and service providers to whom the Payment Services, Electronic Money Issuance Services and Payment Systems Act (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, Nos. 7/18, 9/18 [corrigendum] and 102/20) does not apply in accordance with Article 3 of the aforementioned law.
Other card schemes: DINERS, KARANTA.
Other service providers card schemes: retailer payment cards (issued by merchants), fuel payment cards.
Cards with an eMoney function are included according to relevant card scheme and to category - cards with a debit function.


EUR / number of transactions
Snježana Del Fabro Delević
tel.: (01) 4719361
e-mail: [email protected]

Renata Progar Zupan
tel.: (01) 4719304
e-mail: [email protected]