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Card payments
 A1. Debit cards by domestic issuers - total payments (value)A11. Debit cards by domestic issuers - payments in Slovenia (value)A12. Debit cards by domestic issuers - cross-border payments (value)


Data from including 2022 on are in accordance with: Regulation of the European Central Bank amending Regulation (EU) No 1409/2013 on payments statistics (ECB/2013/43) (ECB/2020/59), DECISION of the reporting of payment statistics (108/2021) and Instructions for implementing DECISION of the reporting of payment statistics (152/2021) (
Data include payment cards issued by domestic: payment service providers and service providers to whom the Payment Services, Electronic Money Issuance Services and Payment Systems Act (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, Nos. 7/18, 9/18 [corrigendum] and 102/20) does not apply in accordance with Article 3 of the aforementioned law.
Payments with cards dissagregated according to card function, are shown as payments in Slovenia and cross-border payments. Payments in Slovenia and cross-border payments are defined according to POS location. Payments with cards with e-money function are shown separately and are in this table not included in category debit cards.
The table includes also data on payments in Slovenia with cards issued by nonresidents.


EUR / number of transactions
Snježana Del Fabro Delević
tel.: (01) 4719361
e-mail: [email protected]

Renata Progar Zupan
tel.: (01) 4719304
e-mail: [email protected]