[Archive] Volume of payments
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Contact and information


Number / EUR Million
Snježana Del Fabro Delević
tel.: (01) 4719361
e-mail: [email protected]

Renata Progar Zupan
tel.: (01) 4719304
e-mail: [email protected]


The table presents payments with cards issued by resident issuers in Slovenia and cross-border as well as payments with cards issued by non-resident issuers in Slovenia.
The period 2015 until 2021 is included.
1. Payment cards issued by resident issuers
The data are reported by domestic issuers.
Cards issued by bank and non-bank issuers are included with the exception of prepaid cards issued by non-bank issuers.
Volume and value of payments - number and value of payments in a quarter/year includes payments initiated at physical POS and payments initiated remotely. Value of payments is shown in EUR millions.
Debit cards - cards enabling cardholders to have their purchases directly and immediately charged to their accounts, whether hold with the card issuer or not.
Cards with e-money function - cards enabling e-money transactions. These are cards on which e-money can be stored directly and cards which give access to e-money stored on e-money accounts.
Credit cards - cards enabling cardholders to make purchases and in some cases also to withdraw cash up to a pre-arranged ceiling. The credit granted may be settled in full by the end of a specified period or may be settled in part, with the balance taken as extended credit on which interest is usually charged.
Delayed debit cards - cards enabling cardholders to have their purchases charged to an account with the card issuer, up to an authorised limit. The balance in this account is then settled in full at the end of a pre-defined period. The holder is usually charged an annual fee.
2. Payment cards issued by non-resident issuers
Volume and value of payments in Slovenia with cards issued by non-residents in a quarter/year. Value of payments is shown in EUR millions. The data are reported by acquirers.