Insurance corporations liabilities - mio EUR
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Alenka Šteblaj


Table 1.10.: Insurance corporations
Methodology of insurance corporations? statistics in Slovenia is based on Regulation (EC) No 1374/2014 of the ECB of 28. November 2014 on statistical reporting requirements for insurance corporations (ECB/2014/50) and Guideline of the ECB of 4 April 2014 on monetary and financial statistics (recast). Time series in tables are available from first quarter 2016 on.
Tables include data of insurance corporations (IC) incorporated and resident in Slovenia, including subsidiaries whose parent entities are located outside Slovenia. Branches of insurance corporations that are resident in the territory of a euro area Member State and whose head office is inside the EEA are not included in the tables.
Description of the insurance corporations? balance sheet instruments
Currency and deposits
Holdings of euro and foreign currency banknotes and coins in circulation that are commonly used to make payments and deposits placed by the IC with monetary financial institutions (MFIs).
Debt securities
Holdings of debt securities, which give the holder the unconditional right to a fixed or contractually determined income in the form of coupon payments and/or a stated fixed sum at a specific date or dates, or starting from a date fixed at the time of issue and do not grant the holder any ownership rights over the issuing institution. Includes also loans, which have become negotiable on an organized market, i.e. traded loans, and subordinated debt in the form of debt securities.
Funds lent by ICs to borrowers, or loans acquired by ICs.
This category excludes assets in the form of deposits placed by ICs (which are included in category Currency and deposits).
Financial assets that represent ownership rights in corporations or quasi-corporations.
Investment fund shares/ units
This category includes holdings of shares or units issued by money market funds (MMFs) and non-MMF investment funds included in the ECB's lists of MFIs and investment funds (IFs) for statistical purposes.
Financial derivatives
This category includes options, warrants, futures, forwards, swaps, credit derivatives.
Insurance technical reserves
Financial claims of ICs against reinsurance corporations based on life and non-life reinsurance policies.
Non-financial assets
Tangible and intangible assets, other than financial assets.
Remaining assets
This is the residual category on the asset side of the balance sheet, defined as ?assets not included elsewhere?, includes amounts which do not relate to the IC's main business.
Debt securities issued
Securities issued by the IC, other than equity, that are usually negotiable instruments and traded on secondary markets, or that can be offset on the market, and do not grant the holder any ownership rights in respect of the issuing institution.
Loans received
Amounts owed to creditors by the IC, other than those arising from the issue of negotiable securities.
Insurance technical reserves
The amount of capital that the IC holds in order to meet the future insurance claims of its life or non-life policyholders.
Remaining liabilities
This is the residual item on the liabilities side of the balance sheet, defined as ?liabilities not included elsewhere?, includes amounts, which do not relate to the IC's main business.