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Delays over 90 days by client segment
 NFC - Classified claimsOFI - Classifield claimsHouseholds - Classifield claims


Classified claims in arrears more than 90 days, have from May 2012 onwards been reported according to the rule in the Guidance on Implementation of the Decision on Reporting by Monetary Financial Institutions, according to which delay begins to run when the threshold of significant credit default is exceeded, ie. when the sum of all the debtor's liabilities to the bank exceeds 2% of the borrower's exposure to that debtor or EUR 50,000 but is not less than EUR 200. The threshold for significant credit obligations in delay is otherwise being amended by Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2018/171 *, which banks must comply with by the end of 2020 at the latest.
2) Other households' data, such as individuals, are included from 31.1.2013 on. Households data sum sole traders' and other households' data, thus are included from 31.1.2013 on.
2) Other households' data, such as individuals, are included from 31.1.2013 on. Households data sum sole traders' and other households' data, thus are also included from 31.1.2013 on.


%, znesek v mio EUR
Vida Bukatarović
phone: +386 (1) 4719589
e-mail: [email protected]