[Archive] Monetary Survey - Consolidated Balance Sheet of the Monetary System
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Millions of Tolars
Ms.Snježana Del Fabro Delević
tel.:+386 1 4719361
e_mail:[email protected]


Table 1.2.: Monetary Survey - Consolidated Balance Sheet of the Monetary System
(Methodology in details is shown on page Financial Data: Methodology of statistical time series)
Because of the gradual implementation of International Accounting Standards in commercial banks in Slovenia data for January, February and March 2006 are not consistent with the data of previous periods.
Table 1.2 shows consolidated balance sheet of all banks' and Bank of Slovenia at the end of the month.
Data for banks are aggregated.
In the Table as from April 30, 1999 in conformity with SKIS, items of assets and liabilities to other general
government mean assets and liabilities to both Local Government and Social Security Funds. By analogy,
enterprises mean non - financial corporations and non - profit institutions serving households, and individuals
mean households.
From July 31, 1996 onwards, the data for Komercialna banka Triglav are no longer included in banks' data
due to its bankruptcy.
Foreign assets/Bank of Slovenia and Foreign assets/Deposit money banks were changed because of
changes in Tables 1.3. and 1.4. for the period from April 2000 onwards.