[Archive] Monetary Aggregates - old series from 31.01.1994 to 31.12.2006
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Millions of tollars
Ms.Snježana Del Fabro Delević
tel.:+386 1 4719361
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Table 1.1.: Monetary Aggregates
(Methodology in details is shown on page Financial Data: Methodology of statistical time series)
Because of the gradual implementation of International Accounting Standards in commercial banks in Slovenia data for January, February and March 2006 are not consistent with the data of previous periods.
Table 1.1 shows stock data at the end of month for base money, monetary aggregates M1, M2 and M3,
calculated according to the national definition and according to the harmonised definition of the
Composition of harmonised monetary aggregates, as defined by the ECB is:
- HM1 contains currency in circulation and overnight (sight) deposits.
- HM2 includes beside HM1 also deposits with agreed maturity of up to 2 years and deposits
redeemable at notice of up to 3 months.
- HM3 includes HM2, repurchase agreements and debt securities with a maturity of up to 2 years.
Money market fund shares / units financial instrument, which is according to ECB's definition also
part of HM3, will be included in calculation when such institutions appear in Slovenia.
HM2 and HM3 are, for the period prior to July 2002, partly calculated as estimation, because of the
unavailability of relevant bookkeeping breakdowns.