1. Monetary Aggregates

    Select part: Download: View table: Modified: 1/29/2025

    1. Date: 2004M01, 2004M02, 2004M03, 2004M04, ..., 2024M12 (252)
    2. Currency: SIT (TOLAR), EUR (EURO), (2)
    3. Frequency: Monthly, Annual, (2)
    4. Items: 1. M1, 2. M2, 3. M3, 1. Contribution of Slovenia to EMU aggregates - M1, without currency in circulation, ..., 1.1. Currency in cirrculation (ECB key) (7)

  2. [Archive] Monetary Aggregates - old series from 31.01.1994 to 31.12.2006

    Select part: Download: View table: Modified:

    1. Date: 31.01.1994, 28.02.1994, 31.03.1994, 30.04.1994, ..., 31.12.2006 (156)
    2. Currency: SIT (TOLAR), (1)
    3. Frequency: Monthly, Annual, (2)
    4. Items: P.3. Base money, P.1.1. M1, P.1.2. M2, P.1.3. M3, ..., P.2.3. HM3 (7)